With more than 25 years of experience, Colorado Appliance Solutions is your first, best choice for full service, major home appliance repair in the Denver and Centennial Colorado areas. We repair all types of major appliances, and we service all home appliance brands. We stand behind our work 100% by giving a 1 year warranty on both parts and labor, because we believe that accountability should be a fundamental part of any business.
Hi, my name is Rudy Garcia Jr, but you can call me J.R., and I'm a 3rd generation major home appliance repair technician. I was fortunate to grow up in this business and have developed a passion for the work I do. "Find a job you love, and you'll never work a day in your life" certainly is true for me. I look forward to speaking with you and finding out how we can help. Call 720-427-7518 today or...
...and see how we can help get Your Problems Solved!
P.S. If you don't find what you're looking for here, please feel free to call and ask.
I have a lot of resources and would like to help point you in the right direction.
Thanks again!
Rudy Garcia, Jr. (J.R.)
Does it seem like your refrigerator is just not cool enough or perhaps too cool? Well you may not need a service call.
If your range, stove, or oven isn't heating up, check this before
making that service call.
What would we do without a microwave?! It has become a necessity in the kitchen. Preventive maintenance?
Do you feel like your dishwasher needs a repair because it takes too
long to wash? Here’s a helpful tip.
Here's something you've probably never considered when cleaning your
Got a front load washer that's not draining or spinning? Before
you call for service, check this out!
If your dryer is taking too long to dry, here's something to check
before calling for service.
Change your filters as often as the type of filter you use is reccomending. Call for service as soon as you think something is wrong, problems can add up very quickly!